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Assess Employee’s Suitability for a Role With a Competency Evaluation Form

Use this competency evaluation form to know if an employee meets the expectations of the organization.

What Is Competency Evaluation Form?

Organizations use a competency assessment form for employee evaluation. Each form contains a checklist of the competency model for a certain job and position. Results of the overall performance of an employee will show gaps between a company’s strategic plans and employees capabilities.

Performing a competency assessment will help identify areas for improvement. Using a skills assessment template makes conducting the evaluation convenient. The data from the result will help employers make hiring decisions.

Below are the three categories for assessing the capability of employees:


This refers to the skills and knowledge for a specific job that employees must develop. The criteria will vary from job to job.


This is an evaluation of the employees’ behavior, ability to solve problems, and cultural values.


This category considers the person’s leadership qualities, motivations, and ability to work with a team.

In the form, the evaluator indicates the employee’s role and provides the rating. He writes his recommendations as well. Competent employees are those that get a rating of 90% to 100%.

This article covers the following topics:

1. What are the advantages of a competency-based assessment?

2. What are the three methods of assessing competency?

3. A digital tool for competency evaluation reports

Two colleagues talk about competencies

What are the advantages of a competency-based assessment?

Competency-based assessment is trending in the corporate world today. Gone were the days when getting a job or a promotion depended on personal and social relationships.

Organizations now see to it that employees’ competency profiles align with their strategic plans. A competency-based assessment will help identify crucial work-related skills and knowledge. It will reveal those that need development.

Here are some benefits to organizations of a competency-based evaluation:

1. It can help in the recruitment process

Results of competency-based appraisal are valuable to a company’s recruitment process. The human resource department can use the competencies as a basis in selecting who to hire.

HR can identify the knowledge and skills the company expects from employees. They can use information in making wise hiring decisions.

2. Determine job-related developments.

Companies must focus on employee development. It is one way of remaining competitive in the world market. Assessment results will help compare one’s capability with company expectations. Both the employee and the company must exert effort to fill the gap.

Evaluation results can also help map employees’ career paths. This will direct them on where to focus development resources. They can identify employees that deserve incentives. Employers can provide them with coaching, and training courses.

3. Makes continuous improvement possible.

Feedback always comes after assessment. These commentaries measure and document job-related competencies.

A list of job competencies will help set up performance standards for employees. Companies can update competency profiles when there is development.

The information can be useful in supporting evaluation and professional growth.

4. Increase job satisfaction

Appraisal of employee competencies is one motivation to acquiring job-related skills and knowledge. This is one way of making them know that they have control of their career development.

Employees will know that they get promoted due to their efforts. They have all the competencies for the higher position. This will encourage them to continue acquiring job-related skills and knowledge to become more and more competent.

As they get more competencies, their value to the company increases. The knowledge that the company wants them to stay is reassuring. They will never think of leaving the company. Instead, they will do their best to enhance their value.

The result of the competency-based assessment determines the employees’ aptitude and suitability to their job roles. It aids them in developing skills and

knowledge that the organization expects from them. They will aim to meet company standards.

Three people smiling while they having a meeting

What Are the three methods of assessing competency?

Assessing competency means evaluating the knowledge, skills, behavior, and values of employees that align with the company’s strategic plan. Organizations use the assessment result to put in place programs for employee development.

Evaluators use a skills assessment template in their assessment. This form is patterned after a certain competency model.

There are three methods used. These are the Self-assessment, manager assessment, and 360-degree assessment.

1. Self-Assessment

This method of assessment has the person concerned rate himself the criteria in the form. Rating one’s self provides a chance for reflection.

It can make the employee see his strengths and weaknesses. He will have the opportunity to get competencies he lacks based to match the competency model. A person can do self-appraisal to check whether he improves or not.

Yet, a result of self-appraisals is not enough proof of competence. Humans only see the good in themselves. One cannot expect them to give themselves accurate ratings. The manager’s assessment will confirm the result.

2. Manager Assessments

Managers check their employees to update their competency profiles. Yet, he must have worked with the employee for 6 to 12 months. During this period, he must track and assess the employee from time to time.

Assessing entry-level employees is easier compared to senior personnel. New hires have basic competencies. As an employee occupies a higher position, his competencies become more and more complicated.

Managers must be aware of their biases when evaluating employees. They must be as objective as possible. They must base their judgment on the actual capabilities.

3. 360-Degree Assessment

This method is popular because of its objectivity. It includes ratings from several stakeholders of the organization.

The first thing to do is to let the individual rate himself using the competency model for his position. Let others rate him. Let his supervisor, co-workers, subordinates, customers, and suppliers rate him. Gather the forms, sum up the scores, and get the average score. That will be his rating.

Once the manager identifies gaps, he can create a competency-based training path. The training aims to help the employee develop his competencies to match the model for his position.

Using the competency-based evaluation form assures employees of unbiased judgment. They will know that they deserve their rating. They will have confidence in the company and themselves.

A digital tool for competency evaluation reports

Lumiform is a powerful mobile app that allows you to digitize and streamline the competency evaluation report. The accompanying desktop software allows individual employee evaluation forms to be created in a glanze.

Afterwards, employees and supervisors can conveniently complete and view the templates via tablet or smartphone – online or offline. This reduces the risk of unanswered questions and data loss. The app guides the user through the employee evaluation checklist and ensures that all points are answered. Afterwards, all data is stored securely in the cloud.

Digitize your paper competency assessment form with Lumiform and enjoy the following additional benefits:>

  • The flexible form builder helps you turn any custom competency assessment form into digital checklists in minutes
  • Lumiform offers pre-made employee evaluation templates to help you get started digitally quickly and confidently.
  • Using the super intuitive mobile app, your evaluation forms can be efficiently conducted.
  • All results from an competency evaluation report are automatically bundled into one report and can be sent to employee and supervisors instantly.
  • Never miss a scheduled employee evaluation again with the reminder feature, and never lose a report again with cloud storage.
Try Lumiform for free

Two colleagues talk about competencies for the work in their company
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