Kitchens, Kitchenettes and Tea Points
Have the work tops, splash-backs and sinks been damp wiped?
Have the hard floors been swept, washed and dried, are they smear free?
Have all the general waste bins been emptied, wiped and the liners replaced?
Have the microwave ovens been damp wiped?
Are the dishwashers being operated correctly, filled and emptied regularly?
Is the washing up (and drying) being done effectively and regularly?
Are the consumables being replenished?
Have all the waste bins been emptied, wiped and the liners replaced?
Have all the surfaces been spot cleaned as required?
Communal areas & corridors
Have all glass partitions been spot cleaned as required?
Have all the surfaces been spot cleaned as required?
Have the hard floors been swept, washed and dried, are they smear free?
Have all the waste bins been emptied, wiped and the liners replaced?
Have the carpets been spot cleaned as required?
Office Areas
Have all the surfaces been spot cleaned as required?
Have all the waste bins been emptied, wiped and the liners replaced?
Have the recycling points been spot cleaned as required?
Have all glass partitions been spot cleaned as required?
Have the carpets been spot cleaned as required?
Have the hard floors been swept, washed and dried, are they smear free?
Kitchens, Kitchenettes and Tea Points
Have the work tops, splash-backs and sinks been damp wiped?
Have the hard floors been swept, washed and dried, are they smear free?
Have all the general waste bins been emptied, wiped and the liners replaced?
Have the microwave ovens been damp wiped?
Are the dishwashers being operated correctly, filled and emptied regularly?
Is the washing up (and drying) being done effectively and regularly?
Are the consumables being replenished?
Washrooms and Showers
Are the work tops, splash-backs and sinks clean and dry?
Are the shower heads and other shower fixings clean and dry?
Are the shower curtains or doors clean?
Have the edges and ledges been washed?
Have the floors been swept, washed and dried, are they smear free?
Have the taps been wiped and polished?
Have all the general waste bins been emptied, wiped and the liners replaced?
Have the WC's and urinals been disinfected?
Have the mirrors been polished, are they smear free?
Are the consumables being replenished to the maximum number or level identified?
Reception Areas
Have all the seats been dusted / damp wiped / vacuumed / other (as appropriate)?
Have the tables and reception desk been dusted?
Has the outside entrance area been swept and litter removed?
Have the telephones been dusted and sanitised?
Have the floors been swept, washed and dried, are they smear free?
Have the carpets and entrance mats been vacuumed and spot cleaned?
Have the security doors been polished inside and out, are they smear free?
Are all the walls and light fittings (below 2 meters) clean?
Conference Rooms
Have the conference tables and any side tables been dusted, damp wiped, polished and left smear free?
Have the telephones been dusted and sanitised?
Have all the waste bins been emptied, wiped and the liners replaced?
Have the carpets been fully vacuumed and spot cleaned as required?
Recycling Points
Are all recycling bins either empty or less than half full?
Have all additional recyclable items been removed?
Passenger Lifts and Lift Lobbies
Have the buttons and signs been cleaned and polished?
Have the walls been dusted and damp wiped?
Have any mirrors been polished and left smear free?
Have all the waste bins been emptied, wiped and the liners replaced?
Have the door runners been brushed out or vacuumed?
Have the carpeted areas been vacuumed and spot cleaned?
Have the hard floors been spot cleaned?
Have all the hard surfaces been swept and cleaned to remove debris and litter?
External Areas
Has any debris, litter, leaves etc. been removed?
Is the exterior of the building free from graffiti or sticky substances such as chewing gum?
Has the external glazing (below 1.5 metres) been cleaned, polished and left smear free
Have all cigarette receptacles been emptied?