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Manufacturing Risk Assessment Template

Use this manufacturing risk assessment template to conduct workplace risk evaluations for your manufacturing facilities. It includes risk topics such as crushing, electrical, manual handling, slips and falls, and cutting and permits the inspector to add more hazards if necessary.
Adapt the template for manufacturing risk assessment to your needs by selecting only the risks applicable to your own manufacturing facility. Lumiform’s scheduling feature will guarantee your team never misses another facility risk assessment.
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Do you want to examine crushing hazards?
Do you want to examine entanglement hazards?
Cutting, Stabbing and Puncturing
Do you want to examine cutting, stabbing or puncturing hazards?
Shearing, Burning or Friction
Do you want to examine shearing, burning or friction hazards?
Do you want to examine striking risks?
High Pressure Fluid /Gases
Do you want to examine high pressure fluid or gas hazards?
Do you want to examine electrical hazards?
Do any of the electrical risks require mitigation?
Gases or Vapours
Do you want to examine gas or vapour risks?
Slips, Trips or Falls
Do you want to examine slip, trip or fall dangers?
Manual Handling
Do you want to examine manual handling risks?
Do you want to examine suffocation risks?
Do any of the suffocation risks require mitigation?
Do you want to examine temperature risks?
Do you want to examine light risks?
Do any of the light risks require mitigation?
Do you want to examine noise risks?
Do any of the noise risks require mitigation?
Further Risks
Could the plant create dangerous conditions other than above-mentioned categories?
Auditor Sign-off
Name and signature of the auditor:
Date completed:
Add further auditor:
Name and signature of the auditor:
Date completed
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Identify all hazards at your facility with a manufacturing risk assessment template

A manufacturing risk assessment template is a tool for identifying and managing hazards at work. It entails a methodical assessment of a workplace and its surroundings to spot hazards, gauge the severity and likelihood of injuries, and held responsible mechanisms in place to lower risks.

Manufacturing facilities can be risky places to work, and it’s important to know the hazards that exist there in order for you to properly protect your employees. This safety audit checklist for manufacturing will help you identify and assess workplace risks associated with manufacturing operations.

In the manufacturing sector, practically all near-misses and injuries can be avoided. Frequently industries do not identify a serious risk until after an incident has taken place. A manufacturing risk assessment template is a form of audit that focuses on spotting risks before they result in an incident.

Risk assessments are most frequently carried out by manufacturing organisations to avoid workplace fatalities and injuries. However, you can utilise these checks to prevent operational blunders as well. This includes a number of elements, including:

  • probable risks and/or problems with the equipment
  • crushing hazards
  • risks of electrical components
  • fall risks
  • precise fixtures
  • and more depending on your manufacturing facilities
  • Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.