OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety Management System Audit
OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety Management System Audit
Use this template for the quarterly OHSAS 18001 health and safety audit at your sites.
OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety Management System Audit
Use this template for the quarterly OHSAS 18001 health and safety audit at your sites.
- Leadership and management templates
- Safety templates
- Workplace safety templates
Preview of the template
1. Pre audit checks
When was the last audit completed for the site and are all actions identified completed?
Where OH&S actions are identified, are root causes identified and corrective action taken?
Are site objectives and targets set and are they on the site action plan?
2. Implementation and operation of management systems
Who is responsible for Health and Safety on site?
Is there a site organisational chart for H&S?
How is H&S information communicated to staff
Are staff aware of their individual responsibilities to themselves and others?
Is there a training matrix and is it up to date with new starters/ refreshers etc?
3. Health and safety Information for staff
Does the site have a Health and Safety board and is all information correct and current?
Accident information, QHSE policy signed 2016 liability insurance, Site action plan, fire and first aiders, fire booklet.
Is there a staff forum/ communications group and are minutes available? (How ofter/ staff involved)
4. Regulatory Compliance Review
ISO 9001 Certificate available and Valid? (Quality Management System)
OSHA Workplace Registration Certificate available.
OSHA Compliance License
GCLA -Dangerous goods license held and current.
TFDA license held ( only for food storage facilities/ warehouse)
Environmental license held
License limits and restrictions known and understood or any signage to restrict the number of people authorised to be in the warehouse/ yard.
Awareness training on regulations for staff
Register available on site of applicable Acts, regulations, permit, license, code of practise etc.. A register maintained under document control?
5. Housekeeping
Housekeeping standard clearly set, inspected and enforced
General cleanliness of all areas
Emergency equipment and exits signage are free of obstruction
Compressed air not used for any cleaning
Unobstructed routes and width adequate for needs
Storage facilities neat, tidy, signed and accessible
Environmental hazards properly controlled
Spill kits available and fit for purpose? Who inspects and are records available? (Staff trained in use)
Safety equipment well maintained and in use?
Welfare facilities suitable for the needs of the area
Lighting ventilation etc. satisfactory for the area and working correctly
Stairs are well lit and properly maintained
6. Warehousing/storage
Overloaded racking/poor stacking practices (Pyramid stacking)
Segregation of inappropriate materials/ reactants (Bleaches/ disinfectant/ food stuffs/ consumables)
Bulk stacks for stability (Overloaded pallets at height)
Aisles for accessibility (Blocked aisles/ fire escape routes)
Damaged racks/stacks/pallets etc (Are inspections completed and by who/ what training has been received)
Flammable/hazardous materials stored appropriately and locked away where neccesary
7. Dangerous Goods Storage and Handling (DG)
Dangerous goods and poison storage compliant with regulations (placards, bunding, locked, restricted ...etc.
Site licensed for dangerous goods storage
DG storage, risk assessment done on change or every two years
Appropriate inspection of storage integrity and emergence equipment
Appropriate cleaning or management of empty DG containers
Customers site inspection prior to first delivery of bulk DG
8. Transportation of Dangerous Goods
DG packaged, labelled and Transported in compliance with regulations
Third party DG carriers accredited or audited prior to engagement/ arrangements and must be reviewed annually.
Periodic risk assessment of transport control and emergency response arrangements.
Work instruction & training for all personnel loading/ unloading dangerous goods.
Transport incident reported and investigated.
Transport routes assessed for high hazard material
Company drivers have trained in defensive driving techniques, Fatigue Management, Chemical handling. ....etc.
9. Hand/power tools ( including Dangerous Tools/ Knives)
Are hand tools/ equipment used (What type). Are they identified and registered.
Have effort have been made to identify safer alternative to the use of dangerous tools.
Are users of dangerous tools trained.
Use of unauthorised tools/ equipment
Use of dangerous tools risk assessment and controlled. (Heigh pressure water, compressed air, grinding/ cutting wheels, explosives, power tools, cutting/!welding, knives ...et)
10. Electrical hazards
OSHA electrical certificate current
Training in electrical safety for staff (induction and refresher)
Clearance and personal locks used, isolationist tagged.
Authorised persons doing isolation and Qualified/ licensed electrician doing work.
Certificate of compliance issued
Permit to work and risk assessment done
Live work authorisation and risk assessment conducted.
Installation inspected by the Responsible Electrical Engineer (REE) and report to be issued.
Electrical drawing available and current
Portable electrical equipment, cables, plugs, inspection program in place.
Circuits and equipment labelled
Earth rods testing and inspection.
Damage to cables extension leads etc. (Daisy chaining/ overloading/ fan heaters)
Are comms rooms inspected? (Clear of unused equipment/ Air con settings)
11. Fire/emergency evacuation
Has the site a up to date Fire Risk Assessment? (Who completed/ when/ outstanding actions/ next review date)
Has all ignition/ fuel sources been identified and controlled? (Gas bottles/ fixed wiring/ gas heating)
Evacuation routes are free from obstructions (Monthly inspections completed/ by whom)
Emergency equipment e.g. Fire extinguishers (last service date/ Monthly inspections completed/ whom)
Emergency lighting (last service date/ Monthly inspections completed/ whom)
Provision is made for disabled and temporarily incapacitated persons where appropriate
Fire alarm tests and drills completed (service date/ weekly test, using various call points/ 6 monthly fire evacuation)
Staff have appropriate knowledge and training in fire procedures (Who has received training/ when)
Hot work controlled
Enough ventilation on chemical storage facility/ warehouse
Smoking controls in place with designated smoking area.
Control of vehicles -vehicles are not parked in approximately to a high risk area for a long period.
Preventive maintenance schedule and inspection for mobile equipments ( forklift, reach stacker, heavy vehicles, cars ....etc)
Good housekeeping prevents building up of combustible, waste or chemicals spillage)
Pre-start inspections to be conducted for all equipment.
Bunding of fuels storages in process areas to contain pool fire.
Separation distance of Oxidisers from fuels ....(Minimum 10M)
12. Ladders/ Scaffolding / access equipments
What is the process to manage erection, inspection, and use of scaffolds? I there compliance with local legislative requirements?
Portable ladders registered and inspected.
Fixed ladders > 6M have ladder cages or fall protection installed?
Work at height risk assessment completed and in date (Who completed/ actions completed)
Ladder inspections completed (Ladder tag system in place/ who completes)
Access equipment in good condition (Ladders used correctly and stored correctly)
What process do you use to ensure that the use of ladders is managed?
13. Noise
Training in noise controls
Segregation of workers not involved
Engineering controls, e.g. Acoustic lagging, isolation of equipment.
Audiometry (pre-placement and ongoing annually)
Noise monitoring, mapping program.
Signage of high noise areas
Use low noise methods
Exposure known - personal dosimetry conducted
Out sourcing noisy activities
Hearing conservation training
Noise management plan prepared, ongoing initiatives.
Job rotation
14. Internal transport (FLT)/ Lifting Equipments.
Lifting equipment of approved design, registered, inspected and identifies.
Periodic inspections up to date?
Risk assessments made before special lifting
No personnel working under suspend loads.
Per use checks completed
Unauthorised use of internal transport (Key control/ Named users)
Unauthorised carriage of passengers
Drivers disregarding safety rules e.g speed limits
Road and pedestrian routes in good order
Unsafe practices e.g. Travelling with raised forks
Battery charging area clear of obstructions (Ventilated/ staff trained/ Risk assessed)
Are staff trained on how to change a gas bottle (Documented)
15. Machinery guarding/safety
Has all Machinery been risk assessed/ By whom?
Where required has machinery received a statutory inspection? (What machinery/ when/ by whom)
All dangerous parts guarded?
All guards in good condition and correctly fitted
Emergency stop controls are accessible,working, and correctly fitted (Inspected monthly/ by whom)
That access to any dangerous part is prevented whilst machine in motion
Trip devices where fitted function correctly
Machinery can be positively isolated
Only trained and competent persons operate machinery (Named staff/ when trained)
Lockout procedure when cleaning
No guard, No run Policy enforced
Routine guarding audit/ inspection
Behaviour safety program
Pre start list prepared and used.
Awareness training done and toolbox talk
Startup alarms or beacons
16. Environmental/welfare Including Waste Management
Does the site hold a ISO 14001 certificate (Works with the o2o environmental management system)
Has the site conducted any environmental spills/ training
Lighting, heating, ventilation,humidity, dust suppression, fume extraction etc. (Service schedule where possible)
Has a water risk assessment taken place (Date/ outstanding actions)
Who is responsible for taking water temperature checks (How often/ sample temps/ training recieved)
Sanitation, washing facilities
Are unused/ little used outlets flushed weekly (toilets/ outside taps/ showers)
Drinking water available
Waste management coordinator appointed.
Wast survey competed and waste reduction targets set?
Waste segregated (chemical, contaminated packaging. Separate and labelling of waste types with MSDSs?
Waste disposal via accredited contractors with tracking?
Waste and effluent stream monitoring and reporting in place and consistent with regulatory requirements (e.g. NPI)
Environmental impact assessment done for the site, reviewed and maintained & stored in the sites dossier?
17. First aid
Specific Procedure applicable to the site.
Has a first aid risk assessment been completed?
First aider list posted (How many first aiders/ training received/ refreshers due)
Accident book available (Where/ accident procedure known/ last RIDDOR accident/ investigations completed.
Near Miss/ Incidents reported (Procedure known/ last NM Reported/ Investigations completed)
First aid box checks (Who by/ how often/ documented)
Eye wash stations checked (Who by/ how often/ documented)
18. Internal QHSE Audits
Effective internal auditing system with audit schedule against the procedures in place?
Recording of internal audits recommendations and follow -up
Is there any process to assess compliance against work instructions ( E.g. JCCs)
Internal auditors independent of area being audited and had sufficient training?
19. Other site Risk Assessments
Who is responsible for completing/ reviewing risk assessments on site?
What other site risk assessments are in place?
Does the site make use of the Risk Assessment Manual? (in use/ signed)
20. Compressed air
Test, inspection records up to date
Identification mark legible
Staff are trained and are using compressed air correctly
21. Protective clothing, equipment
Suitability and fitting, comfort
Correct usage and storage, care and maintenance
Worn where required
22. Safety signs
In good condition
Correctly displayed where required
23. Manual handling
Pre- placement and ongoing health assessment done
Picking heavy objects, process and practices been reviewed.
Appropriate trolleys and other aids provided and maintained.
Early recognition and reporting of manual handling injuries.
Staff training and aware of safe handling methods
Purchasing policy considers pack size and shape.
Job rotation, load limits, rest breaks to reduce the load.
Variety of tasks / No repetitive activities.
Modification system identifies changes to manual handling ergonomic risks.
Suitable manual handling aids available and in use
Manual handling assessments (risk assessment manual in place and used?)
All lifts > 10Kg limited to between knees and shoulders.
Ergonomic issues (Identify from observation)
24. QHSE Training, supervision
Has the essential QHSE competences for key positions between and documented.
Have line managers attended QHSE Leadership training and had follow-up training?
Is there an appropriate, timely induction training process for all employees?
Training recorded
Is there a contractor induction and hazards training for site/ project specific hazards.
Is there evidence of active comprehensive structured refresher training programs?
Is there training in the key QHSE aspects ( e.g. PPE, Clearance to work, work permit, confined space entry, MSDSs).
Evidence of induction or other suitable training
Familiar with Risk assessments/safe systems of work
Adequate supervision of vulnerable people e.g. Young persons
Observed to be working correctly.
25. Control of Contractors.
Procedure for management of contractors with selection based on competence checks.
System of contractor site induction, emergency and hazard training; health assessment where appropriate?
Conductors working on site produce equipment inspections and are controlled by permit to work where appropriate?
Contractors required to produce job safety analysis?
26. Management of Physical Security
Who is the person responsible for physical security on site? What physical security training has this person received?
Site security manual and or emergency procedure manual prepared? Includes details of responsible law enforcement agency?
Personnel at high risk facility carry photo identified?
Under what circumstances would you conduct a physical security risk assessment ( e.g. Local threat, new high risk product, projects, etc)
Contract guards, etc hold appropriate licences?
Appropriate security measures applied to physical boundaries, computer systems, etc. (Extra for major hazards facility)?
Security related incidents reported to company security manager and where agreed to local law enforcement agencies?
27. Permit to Work
All non routine takes requires permit to work
Permit to work system exists, authorised issues formally appointed and trained, recipients trained?
Scope of permit to work is defined , JHA done, duration, limitation met, record kept.
What permit to work system do you use to ensure that the system is effectively managed? Is it appropriate for site risk?
Exemptions to permit to work are clearly documented and approved, exempt workgroups clearly defined? (Live LV electrical work)
Re-trained of authorised persons every 2 years? And trading records to be maintained.
How do you ensure that a "mod" form has been approved prior to issuing a permit to work for a modification job?
What is your procedure for issue and close out process with regards to handover and hand-back? Are there occasions where personal handover / hand back cannot be carried out? How do you manage this situation?
How are people responsible for the site and equipments informed of work in the area and what authorities do they hold?
Permit to work issued for those responsible for the site and equipments, any self issuance meets exemption requirements?
28. Hot work Permit
How do you determine whether or not to issue a Hot Work Permit on your site?
Hot work permit to work issuer training and authorized
Standby person trained and has fire extinguisher
Hot work certificate cross referenced to permit to work certificate and JHA reflects activities.
Limits of 5% LEL applied for atmosphere testing in areas that may contain flammable atmosphere.
Gas tests by non- Bollore witnessed by permit to work issuer.
Work area inspected after 1 hr and signed off.
Do you have an example where alternative methods to hot work have been considered? Is this includes in your training for hot work permit issuers?
29. Lone and Isolated Workers
At risk workers identified, risk assessments done and controls in place
Communication defined
Tastes that cannot be performed ( restrictions) documented?
30. Working in Heat and Other Extremes.
Risk assessment done for heat, cold, us, altitude as applicable?
Appropriate controls, protective equipments or system provided with training.
Sun screen available and used?
Wide brimmed hats ad available and used?
Long sleeves and long trousers worn?
Appropriate uv sunglasses supplied and work.
31. Drugs and Alcohol
Staffs made aware of drugs and alcohol policy, training recorded?
Appropriate controls and authorization for alcohol on site and for off-site company sponsored functions?
Does the site drug and alcohol testing program comply with the procedure?
32. Health Assessments and Monitoring
Pre-placement (prior to offer), Jon transfer and scheduled periodic assessments undertaken and performance documented.
What process are in place to identify and assess potentially impaired employees (e.g. Sick leave manage management and 'for cause' health assessment?
Which periodic 'fitness for work' health assessments are carried out on site?
Personal health risk management reviews prepared and recorded.
Health effects (audiometry, spirometry ) and biological monitoring programs compliant with OSHA Authority.
33. Behavioral Safety Program
A behavioral safety program in place, staff trains and participating?
34. Underground and Secondary Containment
Have you identified the site list of environmentally hazardous substances and prepared the risk management plan?
Underground tanks, pipes, bunds, pits, and lagoons with impervious surfaces and inspected periodically?
Tanks, drums, ISO -tanks, solid material stored on sealed bunded areas? Tanker loading bays bunded and sealed?
What method are used for inspecting and testing underground and secondary containment system s?
Bund water retained and tested prior to release?
All leaks into or from underground or secondary containment reported and investigated?
35. QHSE Plans
Plan content adequate , i.e. General follows
Plan prepared in consultation with the work groups.
Responsibilities identified to complete actions identified with the plan?
Does the plan include actions to close the gapes in 'critical procedures'?
Plan and QHSE capital budget signed off by business manager.
36. QHSE Policies and Procedures.
QHSE Policy up to date and well publicized?
QHSE procedures manual (or equivalent) exists and is readily available?
Have the procedure being identified and audited?
Is there a training program for users and owners of the procedure?
Is there a systematic method of scheduling recurring QHSE activities?
37. QHSE Management Resources
Clear definition of business and site responsibilities?
Accountabilities for key QHSE and physical security functions and reporting clearly defined in position descriptions and are currently?
QHSE line and functional roles clearly differentiated?
Responsible engineer arrangements in place and role and responsibilities documented?
38. QHSE Objectives and Targets.
KPI's and PPI's set for the facility and measurements of performance made?
QHSE Performance reported to the workgroups and the company?
39. Significant Risk Management
QHSE risks identified, assessed (e.g. Significant risk audit or HIRAC by trained personnel and documented (e.g. Site QHSE risk register)!
Critical procedures identified base on significant risks.
Clear links of significant risks to induction training
Clear links of significant risks to ongoing training program
Significant risk register kept updated
Hazards and critical controls clearly identified and managed e.g. Incorporated into work instructions and site/ yard equipment inspection schedule?
JHA prepared for non-routine tasks and clearance to work activities.
Critical controls clearly identified
KPI related to compliance with critical controls.
Internal audits of critical controls.
40. Emergency Management.
Non essential workers in another areas
Fire detection system installed (smoke, heat detectors)
Emergency plan prepared and current periodic updated?
Emergency exit marked and checked for appropriateness
Emergency drills done
Emergency assembly point defined, signed and appropriate.
Fire and emergency crew receive specialist incident management training
Emergency plan defines actions for incident scenarios including fire.
Emergency crew understand actions for each building, area and scenario.
Emergency training with external authorities
Emergency plan including command structure
System for head count during emergency?
System in place incident/ (accidents, security, traffic, transport and complaints) covering employees and contractors.
Investigation done using five steps process and root cause analysis.
System to ensure investigations are done, closed out rate measured, corrective action taken and effectives.
41. Pumps Management
Over temperature prevention
Dead heading prevented
Dry running prevented
Adherence to trips testing schedule
Register all pumps and maintain to the company standard (frequency, checks, etc )
Training and sure idiot of maintenance
Preventative maintenance program established.
KPI's established for maintenance
42. Working on Customer Sites
Vehicles equipped with first aid kit, safety, triangle, fire extinguisher
Traffic management plan to include safe access to main roadway/ crossing roadways.
Selection of competent transport company
Car, vehicle, equipment audit
Routine maintenance on vehicles
ERS numbers supplied
No alcohol or drug driving
Licensed drivers only
Defensive driving training
Customer standards known, understood and in place.
Appropriate vehicle for the load
Bollore standards adopted as a minimum
JHA done for individual customer site activities and reviewed at each visit.
Customer site risk views current and controls known and understood by all staffs
43. Vehicle/ Forklift/ Truck/ Mobile Equipments
Risk assessments done (including use of attachments
Access to mixed traffic areas restricted
Define traffic flow, segregation & marked walkways.
Physical barriers used to separate pedestrian areas
Building lighting and visibility adequate.
Restricted access to site and operational area
Hi- Vis clothing used by staff and visitors.
Maintenance of equipment
Define loading and unloading areas
FLT's prevented from operating on dirty or unsealed surfaces.
Drains covered
FLT correct design for stability (tyre, track, width etc)
Driver's licensed
Training of forklift truck, mobile equipment, drivers and awareness.
Re- training program active annually
Pre-start checks
Rollover protection, roof protection, flashing lights, extinguishers, horn and reversing hooter
Cabin placards include SWL
Mirrors at blind corners
Correct rating of lifting equipment for loads
Operator and pedestrian behaviors
Seat belts installed and used
Forklift only used for transporting equipments ( not passengers vehicle)
System to control hired equipments
Speed limits set and forced.
Periodic health assessments for drivers
Fall protections or restriction on top of load access
Engineering inspections of attachments.
Roads and surface in good condition
Visitors controls
Control in place for truck drivers during loading
Reversing alarms required on all mobile equipment
Access to mixed traffic areas restricted
44. Chemical Contacts
Work instructions documented
Hazardous substance identified
Chemical risk assessment (JHA, JCC's done and reviewed
Identified exposures monitored
Safety showers and eyewash appropriate
Appropriate PPE defined, available, worn and enforced.
Training in PPE, training in work instructions and chemical awareness.
Maintenance of equipment
Equipments fit for purpose
MSDS available and current
Isolations of operators from the line of fire and chemical exposure ( remote transfer)
Spill kits and procedures known
Lines heat traced to above fudge temperature.
SOPs should incorporate JHA from line break, de- fudging, unloading developed.
Hoses, containers, ISO tanks registered and inspected.
First aid training including special training for treatments.
45. Working at Heights - Vehicles
Risk assessment done
JHA and clearance system used
Training of people working in cage and of forklift truck operators.
Fall protection installed, training provided and used.
Inspections and maintenance of fall arrest equipments.
Restricted access to trucks and ISOs advertised.
Site top of load activity procedures in place
Fall protection used for trucks (e.g. Harness / fall arrest)
Stairs, platforms or fall protection for ISO or truck access
Truck fitted with safety gates or safety rails
Drop down platform for gantry access to trucks
Controls on access to top of loads on trucks.
Loading docks prevent fall when not in use.
Truck access eliminated with ground level controls
High standards of house keeping
Awareness training and reinforce behaviors.
46. Working at Heights - Operations & Maintenance
Risk assessment done
Appropriate access to sampling points
JHA and clearance system used
Fall protection used (e.g. Harness / fall protections)
Self closing or rollover gates on platforms.
Access by ladder eliminated
No work near open gates (loading pallets to platform)
Elevated work appropriate for use
Forklift truck cages has gates and harness mounting
Working at height procedure in place and used.
Awareness training and reinforce behaviors.
Safety harness used where there is no hand rails
High standards of house keeping
Ladders fitted with cages / platforms at 6M
Platforms used for maintenance
Equipment is approved, tested and maintained.
47. Initiation Event from Inadequate Decontamination.
Procedure identified for decontamination of process equipments.
Decontamination methods and standards defined.
Maintenance people trained in chemicals and explosive awareness.
Training given on decontaminations process
Only people trained to conduct decontamination process
Use of decontamination tags.
Tools specified and available
Maintenance, Technical or facility work instructions include decontaminations.
All maintenance works conducted under permit with JHA
Testing for contamination documented as part of permit.
Authorization current and documented.
Internal audits done, e.g. Open/ close clearance.
General awareness of requirements
48. Confined Space Entry
Active process to minimize need to enter
Confined space register exists
Confined spaces signed, locked or access restricted.
Confined space entry procedure in place and audited
Trained issuers, standby, insider and tester
Work scope full defined with full and detailed risk assessment documented each time prior to entry.
Low voltage and flameproof equipment used inside
Contractors and other trained in local confined space entry requirements
Gas testing available and calibration current
Testers trained and accredited.
Air test done before entry and continues monitoring
Extension hoses on samplers
Maintenance of equipment used (gas tester)
Initial entry conducted by person familiar with vessel
Rescue procedures prepared and rehearsed.
Breathers available and used
First aiders available and trained.
Other statutory requirements for site
Gas safety completed? (Gas boiler)
Air con serviced (How many/ actions required)
Asbestos survey completed (Identified/ Risk assessed/ Inspections documented)
lightning rods inspected
Does the site have shutter doors/ dock levellers? (last service date/ any history of damage)
Does the site have a passenger lift (LOLER/ when was the last service/ any issues identified/ outstanding
Summery and Signature
Select date
Site Manager/ Supervisor
QHSE Representan
QHSE Auditor
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This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.