General Housekeeping
Are all work surfaces, floors, and aisles clean and free of clutter?
Are all tools and equipment properly stored when not in use?
Are spills cleaned up promptly?
Are all waste containers emptied regularly?
Walkways and Aisles
Are all walkways and aisles clear of obstructions?
Are floor surfaces in good condition without tripping hazards?
Are emergency exits and routes clearly marked and unobstructed?
Storage and Stacking
Are materials stored safely and securely?
Are heavy or bulky items stored at waist level or below?
Are stacked items stable and not too high?
Are flammable or hazardous materials properly stored and labeled?
Lighting and Ventilation
Is the workplace well-lit with adequate lighting?
Is the workplace properly ventilated?
Are light fixtures and vent openings clean and unobstructed?