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General Safety
Floors are free of clutter and tripping hazards
Walls and ceilings are in good condition, with no loose or falling materials
Doors and doorways are unobstructed and can fully open and close
Windows are in good condition, with working locks
Furniture is stable and in good condition
Electrical outlets are covered and in good condition
Lighting is adequate and in good working order
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are functioning properly
Outdoor Play Area
Outdoor play area is fenced in and secure
Playground equipment is in good condition and well-maintained
Surfacing under and around play equipment is soft and impact-absorbing
Outdoor play area is free of any hazardous materials or objects
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency evacuation plan is posted and accessible
Fire extinguishers are readily available and up-to-date
First aid kit is stocked and easily accessible
Emergency contact information for all children is up-to-date
Health and Hygiene
Handwashing sinks are accessible and in good working order
Soap, paper towels, and trash cans are available at all handwashing stations
Diaper changing areas are clean, well-stocked, and properly disinfected
Toys and surfaces are regularly cleaned and disinfected