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Retail Store Mystery Shopper Checklist

A Retail Store Mystery Shopper Checklist is a set of guidelines used to assess the quality of service in a retail store. It outlines the key aspects to look out for, such as customer service, product knowledge, store layout, and overall customer experience. This checklist helps ensure that the store meets and exceeds customer expectations.

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Cleanliness and Appearance
Is the parking lot clean and free of waste?
Is the entrance of the store clean and well maintained?
Is the signage in the store worn or damaged?
Is the store clean, neat and well maintained (no dirty floors, unattended spills, etc.)?
Is the restroom clean, well-stocked, and well-maintained (toilet paper/paper towels available, toilets/taps operational, etc.)?
Are the aisles free of clutter and obstructions?
Employee Behaviors
Have you been approached by an employee within 30 seconds of entering the store?
Did the employee smile at you?
Did the employee ask what you were looking for?
Did the employee offer to help you?
Did the employee offer you an additional item?
Did the employee give you his/her undivided attention?
Are all employees/team members polite?
Did the associates/team members provide above-and-beyond service?
Did any OTHER (not previously evaluated) team members you encountered or passed in the store smile and greet you? (During your shopping, you may find employees in the store performing various tasks).
Did the employee say a pleasant closing phrase (such as "Have a nice day," "Thank you for shopping," "Thank you," etc.)?
Did the cashier greet you when you reached the counter?
Did the cashier ask if you found everything?
Did the cashier mention the loyalty/rewards program by name during the transaction?
If you do not use the loyalty program, did the cashier ask you if you would like to become a member?
Did the cashier refer to the customer/guest satisfaction survey at the end of the transaction?
Did the cashier thank you at the end of the transaction?
The process until Purchase
Was every item you wanted to buy available?
Did perishable items (salads, sandwiches, etc.) seem fresh?
Were all items that were checked for freshness still shelf stable?
How many registers were open when you got in line?
Were there fewer than three customers in line?
How long did the transaction take from the time you arrived at the register until you received your receipt?
Assessment and recommendations
Full name of the mystery shopper
Signature of the mystery shopper
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A Retail Store Mystery Shopper Checklist is a tool used to evaluate customer experience in a retail store. It helps store owners and managers to understand how customers interact with their store and how their employees are performing. The checklist includes questions about store ambiance, employee greetings, product knowledge, checkout processes, and overall customer satisfaction. This can help store owners pinpoint where their customer service needs improvement, and identify areas of strength. Mystery shopping is an effective way to measure customer experience and ensure that customers are receiving the best service possible.
Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.