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Restaurant Mystery Shopper Checklist Template

This restaurant mystery shopper checklist template is a great tool for businesses in the hospitality industry. It allows owners and managers to evaluate the quality of their customer service and the overall customer experience in their restaurants.
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Was the parking lot free from dirt and trash?
Were the entrance doors clean?
Was the lobby and waiting area organized and clean?
Were bathrooms clean and equipped with paper towels, soaps and disinfectants?
Was the dining room floor free from spillage or any dirt?
Was the general ambiance relaxing and comfortable?
Was the background music at an acceptable level?
Were tables and chairs organized and free from any damage?
Were high chairs available and damage-free for young guests?
Was the ventilation system adequate?
Food Service and Accommodation
Did the staff greet you upon arrival?
Was it in a friendly manner?
Did the server introduce himself/herself to you?
Was the menu in good condition?
Was the server accommodating?
Did the server have knowledge about the menu?
Did the server offer you bestsellers or appetizers?
Were your beverages delivered within 4 minutes?
Did you receive the correct order and on time?
Was the food visually appealing?
Does it have the right temperature?
Did the server remove empty plates or glasses right away?
Did the server refill your glass of water automatically?
Did the server offer any desserts?
Was the server professional?
Restaurant Staff
Did all staff wear clean aprons and unwrinkled uniforms?
Did they follow proper hygiene practices?
Were they professional and welcoming?
Did employees show teamwork?
Were all tables cleaned and sanitized after guests left the restaurant?
Did you meet the manager?
Did he visit your table?
Did the manager provide directions to the crew?
Was he accommodating and professional?
Overall Visit
Overall rating?
Inspector's Name and Signature
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Unlock the Secrets to Restaurant Success with Mystery Shopper Checklist Template

This restaurant mystery shopper checklist template is a great tool for evaluating restaurants. It helps to ensure that the restaurant is providing high-quality service to customers. The checklist covers a wide range of areas, from customer service and food quality to the overall atmosphere of the restaurant. It can also include questions about cleanliness and hygiene standards.

Lumiform’s provided mystery check questionnaire for restaurants is used to assess whether the atmosphere, the catering and accommodation, the restaurant staff, and the management comply with best practices and standards

The restaurant secret shopper checklist can be customized into several sections based on your business’s specific needs. Each section contains a set of questions to help assess the quality of the customer experience.

Overall a restaurant mystery shopper checklist template is an invaluable tool for restaurant owners and managers. It can help them to ensure that the customer experience is of the highest quality. It also allows them to quickly identify any areas that may need improvement. With this template, restaurant owners and managers can make sure that their customers are always satisfied with their experience.

Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.