What is worksite traffic control?
Effective worksite traffic control means managing external and internal traffic around construction worksites. A traffic management checklist sets out safety precautions and makes sure workers are aware of those precautions so that the area and employees are protected.
Table of contents
1. What should a traffic control checklist include?
1.1. What is a traffic management system?
1.2. What is a traffic management layout?
2. What are the 4 elements of traffic control?
2.1. Design
2.2. Implementation
2.3. Maintenance
2.4. Removal
3. Why is traffic control important?
What should a traffic control checklist include?
There are four elements of any traffic management plan. They are design, implementation, maintenance, and removal of traffic control devices. A traffic control checklist must serve as a roadmap through each element. It will cover:
- Work hours
- Overall length of the project
- Project details
- Your traffic management system
- The traffic management layout
- Traffic management signage
- Speed limits
- Road level
- Site access
- Emergency procedures
What is a traffic management system?
Traffic management systems refer to the types of traffic control devices you will use to direct other vehicles around the construction. Common examples include:
- Two-way traffic
- Stop and go
- Priority
- Road closure
- Lane closure
- Temporary traffic signals
What is a traffic management layout?
Traffic management layouts are essentially visual representations of your traffic control strategy. These drawings include what sort of traffic control devices will be in use, where pedestrians and motorists will be redirected to, and how long traffic measures will be in effect. A good traffic management layout is clear to workers and easy to follow, with symbols to represent the different controls.
What are the 4 elements of traffic control?
The first stage of traffic control is to design your plan. This is where your traffic management layout comes into play, as you need to show what the flow of traffic would look like while construction was in progress. Identify any potential hazards in the area during the design phase.
Having an idea of the vehicles which normally pass through the area will help you measure the size and reach of any traffic control devices in the work zone. You should also think about other nearby businesses that could attract people during construction.
When implementing your design, start by:
- Defining the time construction will start and end each day
- Assigning important tasks to key personnel
- Designating a traffic light controller and a traffic control flagger to take charge of redirecting oncoming vehicles
You’ll need to make sure that you obtain all the necessary permits for the work you are doing. Be sure that the work zone meets all applicable regulatory and safety requirements, and record any incidents.
To maintain your traffic control system, you will need to:
- Know the equipment and materials needed for your design to succeed
- Place and keep an eye on traffic cones, road signs, roadblocks, and any other devices used to influence the flow of traffic
It may seem obvious, but once you are finished in the work zone, you need to:
- Remove any alterations to normal traffic
- Pack up the various traffic cones, road signs, and barriers used at the work zone
- Revert traffic conditions in the area to normal
Removing all your traffic controls is certainly simpler than setting them up, but should still be done in a timely and safe manner.
Why is traffic control important?
A well thought-out approach to traffic control keeps everyone on a worksite safe, while not posing undue strain on existing traffic infrastructure. But it isn’t just about worker safety. Traffic control devices also keep pedestrians and other drivers from harm by giving them enough time to slow down and avoid construction hazards.
Effective traffic control helps you finish projects faster. When you don’t have to constantly look out for potential accidents, you can focus on the job at hand. And more efficient work days mean fewer disruptions to normal traffic patterns in the long run.
During the runtime of work sites, you can minimize traffic delays by appointing a traffic controller. They will be in charge of communicating with oncoming drivers and directing them according to the traffic management plan that you’ve set up. They will also have to explain the work that is being done and the impact of worker operations when asked.
You can easily design and implement a traffic control plan using Lumiform. Using a work zone audit template to make sure you consider every aspect of traffic management, you can create a traffic protocol for all your workers to follow. You can also adapt any templates you create for use in new areas or on new projects.