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Market Research Report Templates


Creating market research reports is an essential tool to improve the productivity of your business. The snapshot of a market research report helps companies to make relevant internal and external strategies decisions. They offer detailed analyses about specific areas within your company. The report consists of vital information on market shifts due to social, technological, and economic changes. Due to constant changes within your market and your company you should do these reports regularly. Using digital forms help you to gather the relevant data. Find new opportunities by using templates, regardless of whether you are conducting surveys, performing interviews, capturing focus groups, or observing customers.

Use this customer contract review checklist to record all services performed in the external service.

Your market research process is not completed until all results are documented in a final report. The information of market research reports helps companies to analyze all data quickly. Your report is automatically generated and can be sent immediately to all stakeholders. Save additional time by analyzing all data with ease. Gain essential insights with Lumiform analytics. Break down all results by various filters to identify areas more accessible and faster that need your attention. Thus you can solve problems even before they occur and drive accountability in your company. Corrective actions are tracked, documented and attached to reports automatically.

Benefit from standardized reports by using digital templates from Lumiform. Lumiform’s template library will expose you to various templates you can use as a personal market research report sample. With the digital templates from Lumiform, you ensure all elements of a report are included. The intuitive guide leads you step by step through the process, from outlining gathering all relevant findings, including charts, graphs, and images. Lumiform will automatically create a professional report as soon as you complete your market research. This way, you can be sure there are no gaps within the report, and you have all documents and data saved and wrapped up in one place.