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Organizational Overview
What is the legal structure of the organization?
In which industry does the organization operate?
How many employees does the organization have?
What are the key business activities and services provided?
Regulatory Landscape
What are the primary laws and regulations the organization must comply with?
Has the organization faced any regulatory fines or penalties in the past 3 years?
If yes, provide details on the violation and corrective actions taken.
Control Environment
Does the organization have a dedicated compliance function?
If yes, how many employees are in the compliance team?
Does the organization have a formal Code of Conduct?
Does the organization provide regular compliance training to employees?
Does the organization have a whistleblower hotline?
Risk Assessment
What are the top 3 compliance risks facing the organization?
What is the potential impact of these risks?
What is the likelihood of these risks occurring?
Monitoring & Testing
Does the organization have a formal compliance monitoring program?
If yes, how frequently are compliance audits/reviews conducted?
What types of compliance testing are performed?
Are the results of compliance monitoring shared with senior management?
Corrective Action
Does the organization have a formal process to remediate compliance issues?
Provide an overview of the organization's compliance remediation process.