Take or Attach Photo of Premise
General Information
Provide occupancy details by answering fields below
Time in use during the week (e.g "5 times in a week")
Total Number of Staff
Average Number of People Present
Provide size details by answering fields below
Total Size of Premise (Sqm)
Number of Storeys
Number of Basements
Fire Hazard Identification (Sources of Ignition)
Hazard Type (Sources of Ignition)
Please specify
Are existing control measures suitable?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Fire Hazard Identification (Sources of Fuel & Oxygen)
Hazard Type
Are existing control measures suitable?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
People at Risk
Select type of people at risk and note your findings (if any)
Evaluate, Remove, Reduce and Protect From Risk
Are ignition sources controlled to reduce the chances of fire?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are combustible materials kept away from ignition sources?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are all windows and openings closed last thing at night?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Is your fire alarm system adequate for your premises?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Will everybody be warned if the fire alarm operates?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Can everyone escape without assistance?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Is escape from fire available in more than one direction?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are all fire exits easily identified by the correct signs?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are escape routes free from obstruction and storage?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are all doors on escape routes easily opened without a key?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Do all doors on escape routes open in the direction of escape?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Can everyone escape in a reasonable time?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Do you have emergency lighting?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Is the lighting adequate to illuminate circulation routes?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Do you have fire fighting equipment?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Is the fire fighting equipment adequate for the risks present?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are housekeeping and general waste management adequate?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are security arrangements sufficient to prevent access?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are measures adequate to prevent the incidents of arson?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are there any large open roof spaces or concealed ceiling voids?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Could a fire in your premise spread to another?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Can the fire service easily get to your premises?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Record, Plan, Inform, Instruct and Train
Have you made an emergency plan?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Have you provided fire instruction and staff training?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are there records of fire drills to test your training and emergency plan?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Are there records of maintenance on all fire safety measures?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
Have you recorded the significant findings of this assessment?
What needs to be done to make each situation safe?
It is recommended that you review your fire safety risk assessment regularly (recommended every 12 months) OR if you make changes to the layout of your premises, any changes to work processes, significantly increase the amount of combustible materials stored or displayed or sources of ignition, change your opening hours (e.g. to include night time opening etc) or any failures in your fire safety precautions then you should review your fire safety risk assessment.
Date of next review
Additional comment or recommendations
Name & Signature of Assigned Employee