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Ensure safe and working electrical installations with an electrical inspection checklist template

This electrical inspection checklist template can help you prepare for an on-site power and electrical inspection. The checklist includes items such as verifying that the power is off, checking light fixtures and switches, inspecting wiring, testing outlets and plugs, and more. By completing the electrical inspection form template ahead of time, you’ll be able to minimize potential problems during your inspection.

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All employees have current and up-to-date electrical safety inductions and training?
Employees are able to recall correct stop work procedures in the event of electrical danger?
Electrical Safety Procedure
Is there a written and approved site electrical safety procedure?
Has the electrical safety procedure been communicated to all employees and contractors?
Is there a written and approved high voltage safety procedure?
Has it been communicated to the employees and contractors?
Has a competent electrician been appointed as the person, responsible for electrical works, in writing by the supervising manager?
Are all electricians qualified and tested to be competent?
Permit and Lockout
Has all electrically energized equipment been locked out, tagged, de-energized and tested to be de energized prior to commencement of work?
Has an isolation and permit to work been obtained if work is to be done on electrically energized equipment?
Work Near Power Lines
All staff working near power lines have been briefed on specific task hazards present, and have appropriately trained?
Has a permit to work been obtained if the work is to be conducted near power lines?
Portable Electrical Tools
All portable electrical tools have earth leakage switch and a safe start/stop switch?
All portable electrical tools inspected and tagged by an electrician on a monthly basis?
High Voltage
Only trained qualified HV electricians may gain access and work on HV equipment.
Access (gates, and devices to prevent climbing) to high voltage areas is prohibited when no work is being performed?
Has an HV permit been obtained prior to work on HV equipment and is this readily available?
Is a risk assessment conducted prior to commencement of work and is the condition of the poles mentioned?
Sign Off
Full name and signature of auditor
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Ensure compliance with power and electricity standards by utilizing an electrical inspection checklist template

In order to ensure compliance with power and electricity standards, it is important to use an electrical inspection checklist. This template can help you create an effective checklist that will help you identify any areas of concern.

Electrical inspections are an important part of ensuring the safety of your employees and property. An electrical inspection checklist template can help inspectors track the many aspects of an electrical installation that need to be reviewed, verified, inspected, determined, or otherwise investigated.

The checklist should include a review of all electrical equipment and systems in place, as well as a check for proper wiring and installation standards. It is also worth noting that this checklist is not designed to replace quality or safety testing; it is meant to complement those efforts by providing a comprehensive overview of the entire electrical system.

By using an electrical inspection checklist template like this, you can ensure that your employees are compliant with current Electrical Safety Regulations (ERSRs) and stay safe while performing their duties.

By using this electrical inspection checklist template, you will be able to effectively assess on-site conditions and make necessary improvements accordingly!

Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.