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General Inspection
Are the aisles clear and free of obstructions?
Are the load capacities clearly marked?
Are all frame members free of damage?
Rack Uprights
Are the upright frames plumb and in good condition?
Are all anchor bolts secure and in good condition?
Are the baseplate connections secure?
Are the beams level and secure?
Are the beam connectors in good condition?
Are the safety clips installed and in good condition?
Is the decking in good condition?
Are the deck supports secure?
Are the deck panels evenly spaced?
Are all diagonal, horizontal, and sway braces installed and secure?
Are the brace connections secure?
Are the proper safety signs and labels installed?
Are all safety devices (e.g. rack protectors, column guards) in good condition?
Are aisles and walkways clear of obstructions?