Benefit from a workplace inspection checklist by using it to audit the office area for hidden dangers. With this form, you can assess your proactiveness to worker health risks by analyzing your safety management system, fire prevention plan, and access to personal protective gear, among other vital safety concerns.
Workplace Inspection Checklist
Workplace Inspection Checklist
Account for all eventualities in an office workplace before disaster strikes with this easy-to-fill-out form. Ensure that all your employees remain safe under your payroll.
Workplace Inspection Checklist
Account for all eventualities in an office workplace before disaster strikes with this easy-to-fill-out form. Ensure that all your employees remain safe under your payroll.
About the Workplace Inspection Checklist
- Workplace safety templates
Preview of the template
Previous inspection
Has the last inspection been reviewed?
Are there no outstanding actions?
Safety Management System
Workers compensation certificate is displayed
Is there a current OHS policy
Is there a injury management system
Is there a drug and alcohol policy
Are regular safety toolbox meetings held
Is there an induction package which includes safety
Are operators required to be trained before using plant and machinery
Is there a training register
Is there safe operating procedures displayed
Fire Prevention
Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?
Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?
Evacuation procedures discussed regularly? (3 to 4 times a year)
Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?
Extinguishers recently serviced? (Check 6 monthly punch mark on tabs.)
Extinguishers clear of obstructions?
Extinguisher no more than 1200 mm max height & base not lower that 100 mm?
Indicator signs 2.1 m above floor level?
Adequate direction notices for fire exits?
Exit doors easily opened from inside?
Exits clear of obstructions?
Fire alarm system functioning correctly?
General Lighting
Good natural lighting?
Reflected light from walls & ceilings not causing glare to employees?
Light fittings clean and in good condition?
Emergency exit lighting operable?
Building Safety
Floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Entry and walkways kept clear?
Walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Intersections kept clear of boxes etc?
Stair and risers kept clear?
Are spill kits available
Are liquid spills removed quickly?
Are railings in good condition?
Are fall preventive measures in place and used where gaps occur in railings?
Are footpaths in good condition?
Furniture in sound condition?
Loading area clean and tidy?
5.0 - Work Benches
Clear of rubbish?
Tools not in use kept in place?
No damaged hand tools in use?
No damaged power tools in use?
Work height correct for the type of work and the employee?
No sharp edges?
Rubbish Removal
Bins located at suitable points around site?
Bins emptied regularly?
Oily rags and combustible refuse in covered metal containers?
Storage Design and Use
Materials stored in racks and bins wherever possible?
Storage designed to minimise lifting problems?
Floors around racking clear of rubbish?
General condition of racks and pallets?
Personal Protective Equipment
Signage of PPE requirements displayed on or around equipment
Required PPE is available
Are they maintained and serviced according to the manufacturer's instructions
Are they kept clean?
Are the floors around the machines kept clean?
Guards in good condition?
Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of operator?
Waste/off cuts removed and stored safely?
Drip pans on floor to prevent spillage?
Adequate work space?
Is lighting adequate?
Noise levels controlled?
No bending or stooping required?
Duck-boards in good repair?
Operators trained/inducted into the operation of the machines?
Do operators comply with the training?
Are lockout procedures implemented and followed?
Is this equipment safe
Air impact wrenches
Band saw
Drop saw
Mill drill
Parts washer
MIG welding machine
Compressed Gas
Cylinders contents are identified and appropriately secured
Gas bottles are stored correctly
Empty cylinders are separated from full ones
Gas lines are free of leaks, kinks, wear and tear
Electrical Safety
Safety switches installed?
Safety switches tested every 6 months and tests recorded?
No double adapters in use?
Portable equipment tested and tagged?
No broken plugs, sockets or switches?
No power leads across walkways?
No frayed or damaged leads?
No strained leads?
Portable power tools in good condition?
Where required are emergency shut-down procedures in place?
Welding Safety
Is appropriate PPE provided and used
Are there appropriate warning signs in welding areas
Is there adequate ventilation for welding tasks
Are welding screens used when performing welding tasks
Chemical Safety
Hazardous Substance Register complete and available?
Material Safety Data Sheets available for all chemicals?
Risk assessments completed for hazardous substances?
All containers labelled correctly?
Unused substances disposed of?
Do special storage conditions apply?
If applicable are special storage conditions followed?
Workers trained in the use of hazardous substances?
If required is PPE available?
Is adequate ventilation provided?
Are eye washes and showers easily accessed?
Are all ladders Industrial strength? (Non Household rated, check label.)
Are ladders in good condition?
If used for electrical work are they non conductive? (Wood or fibre glass.)
Used according to instructions?
For extension ladders are ropes, pulleys and treads in a good state of repair?
First Aid Facilities
Are cabinets and contents clean and orderly?
Are contents regularly checked?
No contents past their expiry date?
Cabinets clearly labelled?
Is there easy access to cabinets?
Employees aware of location of first aid cabinet?
Are first aid officers accessible?
Are emergency numbers displayed?
Drains clear and free flowing
Taps free from drips
Fridge clean and in good condition
Microwave clean and maintained
Oven/stove safe and clean
Area free from pests or evidence thereof
Area clean and tidy
Office Hazards
Condition of filing cabinets?
Condition of chairs? (Five star bases.)
Desks in good condition? (No damage.)
Screen Based Equipment positioned to reduce glare from windows etc?
Photocopiers positioned to avoid fumes?
Tasks designed to prevent Occupational Overuse Syndrome? (Breaks included.)
Air conditioning systems regularly maintained?
Stable non-slip floor coverings in good condition?
Forklift Condition
Schedule maintenance performed?
Is there a log book within the vehicle
Vehicle 1 Condition
Schedule maintenance performed?
Condition of tyres?
Brake performance?
Lights? (Check operation of brake, indicator and reversing lights)
Condition of drivers seat?
Condition of other seats?
First aid kit supplied and adequate?
Storage provisions?
Is there a log book within the vehicle
Vehicle 2 Condition
Schedule maintenance performed?
Condition of tyres?
Brake performance?
Lights? (Check operation of brake, indicator and reversing lights)
Condition of drivers seat?
Condition of other seats?
First aid kit supplied and adequate?
Storage provisions?
Is there a log book within the vehicle
Sign Off
On site representative
Auditor's signature
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This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.