1.0 - Previous inspection
1.1 - Has the last inspection been reviewed?
1.2 - Are there no outstanding actions?
2.0 - Fire Prevention
2.1 - Emergency action plan up to date and relevant.
2.2 - Emergency action plan discussed regularly? (3 to 4 times a year)
2.3 - Company fire risk assessments reviewed on a six monthly basis?
2.4 - Plant and machinery stored outside whilst not in operation?
2.5 - Strict no smoking policy adhered to?
2.6 - Petrochemical and other inflammable substance stored in safe areas and safe quantities?
3.0 - First Aid Facilities
3.1 - Are first aid equipment locations clearly labelled?
3.2 - Employees aware of location of first aid cabinet?
3.3 - Is there easy access to cabinets?
3.4 - Are cabinets and contents clean and orderly?
3.5 - Are contents regularly checked?
3.6 - No contents past their expiry date?
3.7 - Are first aid officers accessible?
3.8 - Are emergency numbers displayed?
4.0 - Security
4.1 - Contractors On Site?
4.2 - Agencies On Site?
4.3 - Site entrance notice boards visible?
4.4 - Gates in good order?
4.5 - Fencing in good order?
4.6 - CCTV operational, recording, lenses clean, vision un-obstructed?
5.0 - Waste Transfer Shed
5.1 - Is lighting and emergency lighting adequate?
5.2 - Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?
5.3 - Extinguishers recently serviced? (Check 6 monthly punch mark on tabs.)
5.4 - Extinguishers clean and clear of obstructions?
5.5 - Extinguishers correctly located?
5.6 - Indicator signs 2.1 m above floor level?
5.7 - Adequate direction notices for fire exits?
5.8 - Exit routes un obstructed?
5.9 - Exit doors easily opened from inside?
5.10 - Exits clear of obstructions?
5.11 - Fire alarm system functioning correctly?
5.12 - Council waste at acceptable levels?
5.13 - Construction waste at expectable levels?
6.0 - Trommel and Picking Station
6.1 - Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?
6.2 - Extinguishers recently serviced? (Check 6 monthly punch mark on tabs.)
6.3 - Extinguishers clean and clear of obstructions?
6.4 - Extinguishers correctly located?
6.5 - Indicator signs 2.1 m above floor level?
6.6 - Adequate direction notices for fire exits?
6.7 - Exit doors easily opened from inside?
6.8 - Exit routes un obstructed?
6.9 - Is the Trommel and Picking Station cleaned down thoroughly at the end of each shift?
6.10 - Are the floors around the machines kept clean?
6.11 - Picking Station waste bays at acceptable levels?
6.12 - Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of operator?
6.13 - Is lighting and emergency lighting adequate?
6.14 - Walkways kept clean and clear?
6.15 - Operators trained/inducted into the operation of the machines?
6.16 - Do operators comply with H&S procedures?
7.0 - Site Vehicles and Plant
7.1 - Daily checks performed?
7.2 - Schedule maintenance performed?
7.3 - Cabs clean and tidy?
7.4 - Jet washed on a weekly basis?
7.5 - Weighbridge's clean and tidy above and below?
8.0 - Site House Keeping
8.1 - All walkways clean, clear and in good repair?
8.2 - Site roads, clean clear and in good repair?
8.3 - Hard standing and turning areas, clean clear and in good repair?
8.4 - Stairways, entrances, and exits clear?
8.5 - Drainage clear, free of debris, no standing water?
8.6 - Signs of pests?
9.0 - Offices and Welfare Areas
9.1 - Is lighting and emergency lighting adequate?
9.2 - Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?
9.3 - Extinguishers recently serviced? (Check 6 monthly punch mark on tabs.)
9.4 - Extinguishers clean and clear of obstructions?
9.5 - Extinguishers correctly located?
9.6 - Indicator signs 2.1 m above floor level?
9.7 - Adequate direction notices for fire exits?
9.8 - Exit routes un obstructed?
9.9 - Exit doors easily opened from inside?
9.10 - Exits clear of obstructions?
9.11 - Clean, clear and tidy?
9.12 - Safety switches tested every 6 months and tests recorded?
9.13 - No block adapters in use?
9.14 - Portable equipment tested and tagged?
9.15 - No broken plugs, sockets or switches?
9.16 - No power leads across walkways?
9.17 - No frayed or damaged leads?
9.18 - No strained leads?
9.19 - Portable power tools in good condition?
10.0 - COSHH
10.1 - COSHH cabinets in good repair suitable for task and lockable?
10.2 - COSHH stored correctly?
10.3 - Relevant COSHH data sheets kept in cabinets?
10.4 - Site COSHH register kept and updated when necessary?
11.0 - Firefighting Systems and Media
11.1 - Security link with 'Red Care' operational?
11.2 - Fire alarm system in waste transfer shed tested weekly?
11.3 - Site and sale office fire alarms tested weekly?
11.4 - Water supplies to fire hoses tested weekly and sufficient?
11.5 - Fire hoses in good state of repair?
11.6 - JCB 436 Loading Shovel FireWard system - gauge in green, detection hose free from rubbing points and extreme heat?
11.7 - JCB 456 Loading Shovel FireWard system - gauge in green, detection hose free from rubbing points and extreme heat?
11.8 - JCB Excavator - FireWard system - gauge in green, detection hose free from rubbing points and extreme heat?
11.9 - Liebherr 360 Excavator - FireWard system - gauge in green, detection hose free from rubbing points and extreme heat?
11.10 - HAAS Slow Speed Shredder - FireWard system - gauge in green, detection hose free from rubbing points and extreme heat?
11.11 - Waste Transfer Shed Electrical Cabinet - FireWard system - gauge in green, detection hose free from rubbing points and extreme heat?
11.12 - Trommel Electrical Cabinet - FireWard system - gauge in green, detection hose free from rubbing points and extreme heat?
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Auditor's signature
Health and Safety Manager / Director