What Are Daycare Form Templates?
Daycare forms play a vital role in helping the operations of a child care center run smoothly. Because daycare centers take responsibility for the most precious thing to people — their children — there can be no room for mistakes. Naturally, parents hold daycare centers in high expectations as they entrust their little ones in the hands of professionals. So, to help your business run smoothly and thrive in a competitive market, you need to put extra care into how you communicate with clients when it comes to your policies and procedures.
Free daycare forms can help you achieve this. Starting from the contract to preschool daily reports templates, forms are useful tools in organizing information that you collect from clients regularly. Especially when you digitize your approach to information consolidation. Instead of having to risk losing a form or going through piles of paper each time, you need information, digital forms will allow you to get the data you need with just a few clicks. Daycare form templates will eliminate the tedious process of manually organizing and encoding your data, and free you up precious time to focus on the more vital aspects of running your daycare center — the children.
On top of this, child care provider forms will also impact your brand and customer experience. Digital forms will pave the way for more seamless customer interaction as you can easily move them through every stage of the business transaction with ease. Moreover, it reflects positively on your professionalism and organization which can help you build credibility and trust among parents.
To make the most out of them, make sure that you have the different kinds of forms required to run a daycare, so you can capture the information you need from your clients.
This article covers the following topics:
1. What forms you need to run a daycare
2. Best practices for using daycare form templates
3. Use a mobil app for your free daycare forms
What Are the Forms You Need to Run a Daycare?
Whether you’re just starting out or already enjoying a steady flow of customers, your daycare center will have to process significant volumes of information with every child that comes through the door. So, it’s a good thing that there are several daycare form templates you can use to stay organized.
1. Contract
The first thing on the list is the written agreement of your transaction. This is not only essential in minimizing understanding but also ensuring that the terms are enforced in court should there be disagreements between you and your client. Depending on the state you’re in, state licensing laws will require specific language in writing a contract. So, you would need to check in with your local government for the complete requirements.
Here are some of the basic details that should be included in your contract:
- Name and signature of the parent and provider
- Names of all the children
- Total hours of service to be provided
- Complete details of cost: payment amount, forms of payment, additional fees, due dates, and late fees
- Termination policy
- Vacation policies
2. Policies
Although this is not enforceable in court, daycare policies will reflect well on your brand as it represents your business philosophy and values. It reflects the amount of time and effort you put into thinking of how to take care of the children and run your business. This will also set the standard that your workers will follow to ensure the safety and comfort of the children at all times.
This can either come in the form of a standard policy guide or a parent handbook. Essentially, it should include:
- Open-door policies
- Operating hours
- Admission requirements
- Application process
- Sick-child policies and protocols
- Emergency preparedness plans
- Drop-off and pick-up procedures
- Curriculum
- Meal descriptions
The Office of Child Care provides a comprehensive list of essential information that should be included in your daycare policies. You can view the list on their website.
3. Authorizations
You need authorization forms to allow you to act on behalf of parents in case of medical emergencies and also protect you from legal claims in case of a dispute. On top of this, it provides an added level of security for your business and the children because it specifically identifies the approved guardians who can pick up the child from your facility.
Examples of authorization forms are:
- Guardian authorization with a list of approved names
- Consent for medical treatment
4. Child Information
To be able to take care of the child properly, you need to know all relevant information that can help you provide the best service. Those can include:
- Allergies and dietary restrictions
- Nutrition plan
- Immunization history
- Parental preferences
If possible, have the parents periodically review and update the form. It’s imperative that the child’s information is always relevant and updated so you are operating with accurate information each time.
5. Attendance Sheet
Knowing when a child is with you and when they left is important in ensuring the safety of your company and the child. On top of this, the attendance sheet also serves as the basis for billing.
There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to tracking attendance. You can tweak your daycare form template for sign-ins and outs to organize it per child or per day. Including a mandatory field for the signature of guardians dropping off and picking up the child can also protect you from any liabilities.
6. Emergency Drill Records
Some states require daycare centers to observe proper emergency preparedness practices to make sure that they are equipped for worse-case scenarios. Additionally, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also requires daycare providers to be trained in handling diseases and bloodborne pathogens. So, make sure to document all drills and training conducted to comply with state regulations.
7. Daily Report
A daycare forms daily report is one of the most important templates that daycare providers need to have. Daily reports are what educators use to track the child’s activities, behavior, and progress throughout the day. It’s like a daily report card presented to parents, so they can have insight into their child’s learning and development.
There are various kinds of formats you can use depending on the age bracket of the students. From nursery to preschool daily reports templates, digital forms can be tweaked depending on the curriculum.
What Are the Best Practices for Using Daycare Form Templates?
There are five best practices you can follow to ensure you make the most out of your free daycare forms:
- Personalize your daily report forms according to the philosophy of your business and the profile of the children you will care for. This will show that you put importance on individualized care for every child, instead of a generic template for nurseries and preschoolers.
- Conduct staff evaluations periodically and capture customer feedback whenever possible. This will ensure that you keep your finger on the pulse on the quality of service you deliver. You can also opt to include feedback on your curriculum and daycare policies to identify areas that still have room for improvement.
- Make it a point to be updated with state requirements and tweak your form fields as needed. This way, your record-keeping is always compliant to state licensing requirements.
- Digitize your forms to improve efficiency and organization. Allocate one folder each for the record of active clients, so you can easily pull up information when needed. Consider archiving inactive clients who no longer attend your daycare center for two years or more.
- Regularly update your forms, including critical children information like medical history.
Use a Mobil App for Your Free Daycare Forms
Providing excellent attention to your daycare centers is a challenge, that’s why it is essential to have reliable daycare forms daily report to help implement the safety measures quickly and correctly. Paper lists can be an obstacle in this case because information can be lost and the exchange between responsible persons becomes more difficult.
A digital solution is the choice of the hour. With Lumiform’s mobile app, all inspections and audits can easily be performed from any location using a smartphone or tablet – online or offline. All data is immediately available to the entire team. In this way, problems are immediately detected and corrected, which significantly increases safety. Data is saved immediately and is no longer lost.
Additional advantages of digital checklists for the day-care centres:
- Save time by analyzing all data more easily and identifying areas of concern more quickly.
- Reports for submission to the authorities are generated automatically.
- Get real-time data for all inspections. This makes infection protection measurable, and the data can be used to optimize processes.
- Improve the efficiency of internal processes through better communication within the team, with third parties, and with management, as well as faster incident reporting, solving incidents up to 4x faster than before.
- In addition, we offer more than 12,000 templates in our libraryto help daycares get started digitally in no time.
Try Lumiform for free