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OSHA self-inspection checklist

This checklist are by no means all-encompassing. Elements that do not apply to the company can be added or deleted. Think about it. Think carefully about each element and then make your decision.

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Employer Posting
Is the required OSHA Job Safety and Health Protection Poster displayed in a prominent location?
Are emergency numbers posted and readily available?
Is the OSHA Form 300A posted during the months of February, March, and April?
Record keeping
Are occupational injuries or illness, except those requiring only first aid, recorded on the OSHA 300 log?
Are employee training records kept and accessible?
Have arrangements been made to retain records for the required time periods?
Are operating permits and records up-to-date for items such as elevators, air pressure tanks, etc?
Safety and Health Program
Is there a formalized safety and health program in operation?
Is one person clearly responsible for the safety and health program?
Do you have a safety committee that meets regularly?
Medical Services and First Aid
Is there a hospital, clinic, or infirmary for medical care near the workplace?
If workers are expected to administer first aid, have they received the proper vaccinations and training?
Are fully supplied first aid kits available to each work area, periodically inspected, and replenished as needed?
Is there an operational eyewash station available?
Fire Protection
Is your local fire department familiar with your facility, it's location, and specific hazards?
Is the fire alarm system certified and tested annually?
Are the interior standpipes and valves inspected regularly?
Are private outside fire hydrants flushed annually and on a routine preventative maintenance schedule?
Are fire doors and shutters in good operating condition?
Are fire doors and shutters fusible links in place?
Are the automatic sprinkler system water control valves, air and water pressure checked periodically as required?
Are sprinkler heads protected by metal guards if exposed to potential physical damage?
Do sprinkler heads have 18 inches of clearance?
Are portable fire extinguishers provided in adequate number and type?
Are portable fire extinguishers properly mounted and readily accessible?
Are portable fire extinguishers inspected regularly?
Are employees trained in the use of fire extinguishers and fire protection? Documented?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Has a PPE Assessment been completed?
If hazards were identified, is the necessary PPE required?
Have employees been trained on what PPE is required, when PPE is needed, and how to properly adjust it?
Are approved respirators provided when needed?
Is all PPE maintain in sanitary condition and ready for use?
Are food and beverages consumed only in areas where there is no exposure to hazardous materials?
Are adequate work procedures, PPE and equipment provided and used when cleaning up hazardous materials?
Are procedures in place to dispose of or decontaminate PPE?
General Work Environment
Are aisles kept clear and marked as appropriate?
Are workstations clean, sanitary, and orderly?
Are spilled materials cleaned up immediately?
Are guardrails provided on surfaces elected more than 30 inches?
Are mezzanines equipped with guardrails, midrails, and toe boards?
Are floor openings properly guarded?
Life Safety
Are all exits marked with an exit sign and illuminated by a reliable light source?
Are doors and passageways that are neither exits or exit routes labeled, NOT AN EXIT?
Are exit signs labeled with the word "EXIT" in lettering that is at least 5 inches high and half in wide?
Are exits free from obstruction?
Are there a sufficient number of exits?
Do exit doors open in the direction of travel?
Has an evacuation plan been implemented?
Are employees trained in proper evacuation procedures?
Portable Ladders
Are all ladders maintained in good condition?
Are non slip provided for metal ladders?
Are ladders periodically inspected for damage?
Are employees trained in the proper use of the ladders?
Hand Tools and Equipment
Are all tools and equipment in good/operational condition?
Are damaged tools repaired or replaced as necessary?
Are ergonomic hand tools utilized?
Are grinders, saws, and similar equipment provided with appropriate safety guards?
Are portable circular saws equipped with guards above and below the base shoe?
Are all cord-connected, electrically operated tools and equipment effectively grounded or double insulated?
Abrasive Wheel Grinders
Is the work rest adjusted within 1/8 inch of the wheel?
Is the adjustable tongue guard adjusted with 1/4 inch of the wheel?
Do side guards cover the spindle, nut and flange and 75% of the wheel diameter?
Are bench and pedestal grinders permanently mounted?
Are goggles or face shields worn when grinding?
Does each grinder have an individual on/off switch?
Machine Guarding
Is there a training program to instruct employees on safe method of machine operation?
Are machines and machine guarding inspected regularly?
Is all machinery kept clean and properly maintained?
Is machinery securely placed or anchored?
Are all moving chains and gears properly guarded?
Are methods provided to protect the operator from hazards created from the point of operation, ongoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks?
Are fan blades protected with a guard having openings no larger than a 1/2 inch?
Are saws used for ripping equipped with anti-kickback devices and spreaders?
Are radial arm saws so arranged that the cutting hard will gently return to the back of the table when released?
Lockout / Tagout Procedures (LOTO)
Is all machinery or equipment capable of movement required to be de-energized, disengaged, blocked, or locked out during cleaning, servicing, adjusting, or setting up operations?
Is a formal LOTO program in use?
Have machine specific LOTO procedures been created for all equipment requiring LOTO?
Is the LOTO program and machine specific reviewed and updated at least annually?
Have all "authorized" employees received the proper training?
Have all "affected" employees received the proper training?
Welding, Cutting, and Brazing
Are only authorized and trained personnel permitted to use welding, cutting, or brazing equipment?
Are compressed gas cylinders regularly inspected?
Are only approved apparatuses used?
Are empty cylinders properly labeled?
Are signs posted reading, "danger, no smoking, matches, or open lights," or the equivalent?
Is suitable fire extinguishing equipment available for immediate use?
Is the area free from combustibles?
Is eye protection, helmets, hand shields, and goggles available?
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Are cylinders clearly labeled to identify the type of gas?
Are cylinders stored in areas protected from external heat sources?
Are cylinders stored and transported in a manner to prevent tipping or damage?
Are valve protectors on cylinders when not in use?
Powered Industrial Trucks
Are employees properly trained in the use of PITs?
Are only trained personnel permitted to operate PITs.
Are PITs which are in use equipped with fully functional safey gear, I.e. Seat belts, horn, etc.
Are pre trip inspections completed?
Are PITs in need of repair tagged out of service?
Is a formalized PIT safety program in use?
Hazardous Communication
Is there a list of hazardous substances used in your workplace?
Are MSDS available and up to date?
Is there a written hazardous communication program?
Is each container labeled with product identity and a hazard warning?
Are employees trained on MSDS content and use, right to know information, location of hazcom program and MSDS, location and protection of physical and health hazards, and details of the hazcom program?
Do you require OSHA compliance for all electrical contract work?
Is grounding and bonding utilized when necessary?
Are multiple plug adapters prohibited?
Is ground fault circuit interrupters utilized when necessary?
Is wiring, cords, and connectors in good condition?
Are frayed and damaged cords removed from service?
Are all disconnecting switches and circuit breakers properly labeled?
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On-Site Representative
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.
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