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Daily Hoist Inspection Checklist Template

Operators and maintenance personnel can use this daily hoist inspection checklist to ensure that hoists are safe and operational prior to starting work. Inspectors must perform all of the daily tests to ensure correct operation.

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1. The following tests must be performed at the start of each work shift. If the hoist fails any test, DO NOT use it until it is repaired. 2. Perform all daily tests to ensure correct operation! Do not use the hoists for lifting until you have successfully completed the daily tests.
Testing the Overspeed Brake
While powering the hoist up and down approximately 3 ft, look through the access window. Ensure the fly wheel is turning.
De-reeve the wire rope.
Reinsert the rope about 12 inches into the hoist.
Holding the wire rope firmly, pull it out quickly. If the brake is working correctly it will grab and hold the wire rope in less than 4 inches. Repeat this test at least 3 times. If the brake does not work correctly for all attempts, get a replacement. DO NOT USE THE HOIST.
Reset the overspeed brake.
Testing the Overspeed Brake Test Button
Push the UP control button and raise the platform approximately 3 ft.
While powering down, push the overspeed brake test button. The hoist should stop quickly.
Release the emergency descent lever to make sure the overspeed brake has locked onto the suspension rope.
Resetting the Overspeed Brake
Power up a few inches, at the same time turn the overspeed brake reset knob clockwise until the reset lever engages. If there is not enough traction to raise the hoist, pull downward on the tail line to increase traction.
Testing the Emergency Stop Button
While running the hoist in either direction, press the red emergency stop button. The hoist should not run in either direction. To reset, pull the button out.
Lower the platform to ground level. Slacken the main suspension wire rope. Pull on the second wire rope to ensure that grab jaws are locked onto it. Jaws should release when the main suspension wire rope raises the hoist.
Testing Controlled Descent
Raise the hoist approximately 3 ft.
Disconnect the power supply. During this test, or when you are actually using the controlled descent, CAREFULLY pull the controlled descent lever, making sure the hoist does not overspeed. The hoist should descend at a slow, controlled speed.
If the hoist travels faster than 35 ft/min, the overspeed brake should engage and stop downward travel. If not, the emergency descent system is not working properly and should not be used.
Daily Inspection
Inspect the following items to ensure they are in good working condition and are not damaged. If not, contact maintenance personnel asap or send Corrective Action via Lumiform.
CAUTION Never attempt any maintenance or repair while the scaffold is suspended in the air.
SAFETY NOTES DO NOT operate hoist if you hear any unusual noises. DO NOT operate hoist if adjustments or repairs seem necessary. DO NOT operate hoist if any warning, operating, or capacity instructions are unclear or damaged. Report any Problems to your supervisor and notify the next operator when changing shifts. NEVER operate an electric hoist or any electrical equipment in an explosive atmosphere. Explosive atmospheres exist around refineries, chemical plants, grain elevators, coal mines or coal handling equipment. This is not a comprehensive list. Consult an expert (e.g. supervisor, safety director, competent person) if you are in doubt about the safety of your immediate surroundings.
Wire rope
Power supply
Bolts, nuts, and clamps tight and well secured?
When using the hoist in a dirty environment that contains epoxy, paint, cement, sand blast residue, or corrosive material, inspect the secondary overspeed brake several times a day. Protective covers are recommended for use in such environments. Contact your local supplier.
Sign Off
Name and signature of inspector.
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.